February 2021 Agenda (15th)
Email: Greetwellparishcouncil@gmail.com
Following amended legislation allowing Council meetings to be held remotely in light of the Covid 19 situation; a remote meeting of Greetwell Parish Council will be held on Monday 15th February 2021 at 7.30pm using Zoom online video conferencing.
The meeting is open to the public and if you wish to attend please email the Clerk no later than noon on Monday 15th February 2021 to advise. You will then be sent an email with a link to enable you to access the meeting.
You will also need to register with Zoom and download the relevant software/app onto your computer, phone or iPad, in advance of the meeting. To do this go to https://zoom.us – press the ‘signup its free button’ and follow the onscreen guidance to register.
Approximately 10 minutes before the meeting is due to start you should click the link detailed in the email sent to you from the Clerk to the Council.
1 Parishioners Items
2 To receive apologies and reasons given.
3 To receive declarations of interest on any items on the agenda.
4 Notes of meeting held on 1 February 2020 for approval and to be signed by the Chairman
as minutes.
5 Correspondence and reports:-
a. Correspondence received since last meeting see attached list
6 Highway matters - Wragby Road East footpath – requirement for cutting back verge causing narrowing of footpath - update
7 The Chase play area – Report on vehicular damage/request to Galliford Try for reinstatement of barriers
8 Finance
a. To ratify donation of £50.00 to a nominated charity via LALC in appreciation for IT work carried out on the new legally required website
b. To consider request from Citizens Advice Lindsey for a grant donation
c. Bank Reconciliation to 31.12.2020
d. Budget against spent to 31.12.2020
e. To consider the Parish Council using on line banking
f. To ratify accounts paid January/February 2021
9 Clerks Report
10 Chairman’s Comments
11 Date of next meeting – Monday 1 March 2021, 7.30pm.
Signed C M Myers
Clerk to the Council 8.2.2021
Correspondence received since last meeting and circulated to members
*Circulated to residents email group
*22.1.2021 – WLDC Litter Picking Initiative
25.1.2021 – LALC E news
1.2.2021 – 20 mph 20’s plenty
1.2.2021 – LCC Town and Parish News
2.2.2021 – WYPF Pension Matters
3.2.21 – LCC Highways News
4.2.21 – Lincs Infor Bus Updates
4.2.21 – ICO Update
*5.2.2021 – CC Ian Fleetwood’s brief