January 2025 DRAFT Minutes


Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 14/1/2025 at the Village Hall

Present:- Cllr M. Marris (Chairman), Cllr K.Morton, Cllr D Cox. 
In attendance: Helen Pitman (Clerk) 
Visitors: None
1.    Apologies for absence and reasons given:-  Cllr R. Cowling. Accepted.

2.    Co-option of councillor: No persons identified for co-option. Vacancies remain.

3.      To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the 2011 Localism Act:-  None.

4.      Notes of meeting held on 11th November to be approved as minutes:-
        The minutes were signed as a true record.  

5.      Chair and councils comments:-  Cllr Morton advised that the Emegency Planning exercise was cancelled due to bad weather. She will attend when reconvened. Some potholes on road from Spridlington to Welton have been repaired. West Lindsey road sweeper has again cleaned the village.

6.    Clerk’s report on matters outstanding:-  Response received from LCC Countryside service regarding blocked footpath. Council to check whether livestock are still in the field.

7.    Planning matters:- WL/2024/01031 Pond View- Council objects to the proposal to relocate the car port due to its scale in height and size; impact and overshadowing of neighbouring property; not in keeping with street scene. 

8.    Correspondence:-  Circulated. 

9.    Financial matters:- Council resolved to pay: H. Pitman £340.10; Glendale £180.59; LALC £89.02. 

10.    To discuss & resolve on new planters for village:- Already agreed.

11.    Update on damaged verges on Spridlington/Welton road:- Reported to LCC. To discuss again in March if no further progress. Agenda 

12.    Reports from outside bodies:- Spate of recent burglaries in the village. Cllr Morton to put information on noticeboard. Clerk to contact PC Toyn. LCC budget consultation: Council agree to proposal to increase by 2.9%.

15.     Items of information to be noted and if necessary to be dealt with at the next meeting:- 
Agenda items: Spridlington/Welton road

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.35pm.

Dates of meetings 2025:

11/3/25 @ 6.30pm; 
6/5/25 @ 6.30pm; 
8/7/25 @6.30pm; 
9/9/25 @ 6.30pm; 
11/11/25 @ 6.30pm